Tuesday, July 1, 2008

God of wonders

I have so enjoyed Pastor’s series “God of Wonders”. I am glad it is being extended another week. Sometimes I think we forget about this huge world He created for us to live in and enjoy. As Moms, our hassles and problems of every day can seem so big and insurmountable. But if we take the time to stop and look we can see small wonders of nature everywhere. These miracles are so easy to miss, especially as the pace of life speeds along. What a blessing the simple life provides as we pause and pay attention to the handiwork of the Creator. When we do, it awakens us to the presence of God himself.

Sunday night after church my husband, Scott and I went out on our patio and watched the sunset. Haven’t done that in awhile! What a magnificent world in which we live. How much our Father must love and care for us as He created the world for us to enjoy! Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of the God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” So please, sometime this week take a minute and notice the grandeur of nature. It helps you embrace the nearness of the Lord. Pause on your way to work, the store or running errands to observe nature. Let each tiny miracle invite you to experience God’s presence.


Unknown said...

I been loving this series too

Kathy said...

I meant to take the kids out after dark this weekend and just go look at the stars, but had to bump it back a week. We don't get a chance to do that. Thought it would be fun for them before school starts back up.-Kathy