Sunday, June 22, 2008

Check out this cute little home video my husband made, it's short and to the point. If you are going to video tape all those precious moments of your children to cherish, why not make it entertaining? This way your not stuck with hours of footage that you may never watch, make it fun for the whole family to enjoy. This was such a fun clip to shoot of our baby eating rice cereal, especially since I got to chunk the cereal at his face. : ) The second time our oldest daughter got the privilege. We all had a good time making it. Some great video software to use in doing this is: Windows Movie Maker - free program that comes with most computers that has Windows; if you are using a Mac, you can use I-movie; and if you are willing to spend some money you can use Adobe Premier. Best of luck with all your video captures. Till next time, Nina.


Kathy said...

I LOVE this video you all made. It is great! Can't wait to see more!