Thursday, June 19, 2008


All my FABULOUS Mom friends!

We want to start a play day for all of us stay-at-homers! We are thinking once a week Tuesdays or Thursdays starting in July? We could meet at Burger King and let the kids play or we could go the park? Swimming? Leonardo's? Anything sounds fun to me! Let me know if you are up for it or if you have any ideas! Looking forward to a FUN summer!


Kathy said...

I work during the day, but Greg's mom watches the kids during the day. She takes the kids to Leonardo's and other things during the week if you want to get ahold of her. Just get her # from JoAnn. Also, check with Kimberly D. from church, she might be interested here over the next few weeks. She is (kinda) between jobs and might like to get out also.

Kathy said...

Another person I can think of is Marjel Crow. She has the twins and her two year old daughter. The boys are 3 or 4. You should really get with her. She also has her own little playground in her back yard for the kids. She's great! Give her a call.