Saturday, June 28, 2008

Old one but a good one...

This is from a year or so ago. I had sent it out in an e-mail back then and just re-read it. Thought you all might like this "Oldie bt a goodie".

Boys are so fun! They come up with the funniest things!

The oldest was in his room coloring, the girls in the living room playing and youngest son with me, while I am hanging up clothes in the girls room. All of a sudden the room is full of kids. The girls just running around/through and the oldest boy comes hopping in on one foot saying he just hurt (or stubbed) his toe. He plopped down on one of the girls beds to lift his foot up to show me. I was facing the other direction with my hands full of clothes, but looked back because he actually sounded convincing. His toe was purple, so I put down what I was taking care of to check out the situation.

When I got close I noticed he had used a purple marker to make his big toe look like it had been REALLY hurt. While laughing, I hollored that I couldn't believe he did that. Then we laughed about it off and on the rest of the day.

The things our kids come up with is priceless!