Sunday, April 20, 2008

Will I ever see bedtime before 11:00pm?

So tonight I thought would be as good as time as any to start this blog.  It's 10:48pm and the baby just woke up from only being a sleep for one hour.  I gently rocked her in my arms back to sleep and put her back into her crib.  She does this on a regular occasion, and I don't know why.  My guess is she wakes herself up and gets scared because she doesn't know where she is at.  We just moved her to her own room and the crib this week.  Let me tell you that was a challenge in itself.  We would have moved her in there sooner but her room happens to be the coldest room in the house, so here we are at 4 months moving her in there.  Some might say I waited to long, but it was so easy to just grab her out of her bassinet at night and slip her into bed with me for her middle of the night feeding.  She is now for the most part sleeping 8 hrs at night which is a blessing from God.  She has her first tooth coming in though and this has caused some extra cranky nights, we have tried the teething rings and orajel - the orajel seems to help  a little bit, but she doesn't to interested in the teething ring.  She seems to like a cold washcloth but it doesn't stay cold very long.  I just feel so bad for her because I know she is in pain and I can't do much to help her.  My mother-in-law keeps asking me - don't they sell those teething biscuit (cookie) 9 anymore, I have no clue what she is talking about.  She told me that is what she used for my husband and he loved it, he would have it all over his face but it took him hours to get through it and it helped relieve the pain.  So do you have any other suggestions that you have used other than medicine for teething?  I guess for now we will stay to the orajel and cold washcloth.  Well, I think she is back asleep so I better get some shut eye myself, because who knows when she'll wake up again.  


constance said...

Actually they have these amazing teething tablets that are all natural made by Humphrey's at Walgreens. I just put a few in Evan's mouth every couple hoursand he loves it. Apparently everyone in New Mexico uses these!

Jen Z said...

Wow, what a coincidence!! We both live in OK, are working on adoptions from Ethiopia, and have the exact same log-in date with the same China adoption agency!! That would mean we would travel together to China if we ever make it to referral. That's really amazing.
We're in Tulsa but we should try to get together someday!
Thank you for dropping by my blog and for the kind words.